Dragon’s Breath

For one moment, just a breath, there is total silence. It is the pause between one wave and the next. Each one waits its turn to touch the shore and then the cycle begins again. The sound of the waves in that last little push, before they actually touch the shore, is like the fluttering…
Choosing Life

Once again I am soaring through the sky. Today in the seat in front of me is an attractive woman who is reading what I call “junk” magazines. Oh, you know, the ones that gossip about celebrities as if they actual know squat about them. As the flight attendant walked by she glanced down and…
Dance At Sunset

The mountains are topped with crystal dust, the air is cool and the marvelous clouds are pink and red. It is sunset. I have stopped our day to watch it. In front of me is a cacophony of color. The sun quickly sets, if you don’t watch with care you will miss her display of…
Getting Lost to be Found

On the way to the airport this morning I took a “long cut.” For those of you who do not drive in a major metropolis, a “long cut” means you drive a longer distance, but because of gridlock it will take you less time. As I maneuvered my way though the back road, past weapon…
“Never, Never, Never Quit!” ~ Winston Churchill

I remember sitting next to my mother’s deathbed. For months I had been fighting a losing battle; keeping her alive. My mistake was neglecting to ask her if she wanted to live. I had made the same mistake several years earlier, when together we had fought off her first bout with cancer. I thought we…
Crazy Day

I struggled to open my eyes; someone during the night had placed tape over my eyelids so I couldn’t open them. Someone else had filled my body with drugs. I do not drink or use drugs, so I knew it wasn’t me. Yet, I felt drugged. My body didn’t want to move, yet it was…
Listening To the Whispers

About a week ago, I received an email from a friend that asked me to watch an iTunes warning about tires. The warning said that tires that were many years old were being sold as new. The tires have never been used, but they sat on the shelves for years and the rubber degraded. The…
Help Is On Its Way

Last night I heard from a friend on her way to another disaster area to institute a tried-and-true program honed on 9/11 and the 2009 earthquake in China. Very early in the morning hours she called for support, reassurance and requested that those helping be remembered. She left to help others and needed to know…
In the Name of Love

What would you do in the name of looking for love? What would I do? Most of us say we would do anything—well, almost anything. But would we? Oh, we may tolerate less then admirable behavior. We may be willing to settle for less than finding true love. We may be willing to live with…

When did we lose our manners? As a people, when did we start treating each other with anything less than respect? Was it when the “gen-xers” decided they would raise their children differently than the baby boomers had raised theirs? Was it when the children of the “xers” where allowed to verbally and behaviorally disrespect…